
The group of stallions that received approval after the performance test, which was concluded in mid-May, is both qualitatively and quantitatively strong. In the jumping direction, fifteen stallions received their breeding license, while in the dressage direction, there were eleven. Additionally, the Gelder horse stallion Raffael K was approved, and two older Gelder horse stallions completed their driving performance, thereby also being definitively approved. All in all, a strong expansion of the stallion stock and plenty of new options for breeders.

The three-year-old stallions participated in the 35-day performance test, while the four-year-olds and older stallions only needed to complete 21 days. In both age groups, interesting and talented stallions emerged in Ermelo.

Detailed reports
On the advice of the breeding council, a pilot project is underway, eliminating the assignment of scores to jumping and dressage stallions in this performance test. The stallion inspection committee chairmen, Wout-Jan van der Schans and Bart Bax, provided extensive explanations for each stallion. The reports published in the KWPN Database and elsewhere in this magazine also provide insight into the specific characteristics of the stallions. This allows breeders to precisely determine which stallions best suit their mares. The reports not only offer information about the stallions' qualities but also insight into their character, work ethic, and attitude. After two years, an evaluation will determine if this approach enables mare owners to make better assessments of what the stallions can contribute to their mares and if there is less emphasis on stallions with the highest scores. After all, the top performer in the test may not necessarily be the best option; it's about making the right combinations. This spring test has provided a host of interesting options for breeders.

International pedigrees
Among the new group of jumping stallions, it's notable that many have a strong sports pedigree. For instance, the premium stallion R Caribou van de Dassenheide (Caribis Z out of Shakira de Kreisker by Diamant de Semilly, breeders Nick and Jill Adams-Goossens), owned by Albert de Boer, Lennard de Boer, and Jan and Rita Ubels, is bred from a full sister to the Olympic stallion Quickly de Kreisker who competed at 1.45m level. Moreover, the dam, Shakira de Kreisker, has already produced a 1.50m jumper. R Caribou van de Dassenheide showed that he's cut from the same cloth, impressing in the performance test with his uncomplicated performance. He gallops with great balance, jumps well upwards, and possesses a lot of reflexes and athletic ability. Similarly, Rocket Man (Kasanova de la Pomme out of Otina by HD sport-spr from El Torreo de Muze, breeder Danny van Hooydonk), owned by Reinie Tewis and Henk van der Sluis, comes from an internationally 1.45m ranked mother from a strong lineage. In the third generation, he traces back to Pieter Devos' top jumping horse, Candy. Rocket Man is a well-manageable stallion with a spacious gallop. He jumps with excellent technique in the forehand, demonstrating a lot of power and overview. Another remarkable four-year-old stallion from an international sport mother is Pasquino van de Hagenhorst (Hardrock Z out of the 1.55m ranked mare Happy Linda elite IBOP-spr sport-spr PROK by Eldorado van de Zeshoek), bred by Jelke Heida and Herman Verhagen. Wout-Jan van der Schans spoke highly of this top talent, saying, "This stallion has a very good attitude, can already extend and collect well in canter, and jumps with a lot of impulsion. He has very good reflexes, remarkably good leg technique, and appears very careful. His power and scope are also positively noticeable, and he gives his riders a fantastic feeling."

Belgian bloodlines
Belgian breeding is well represented in this new generation. The promising Aganix du Seigneur son Rising Aranix (out of the 1.40m jumping mare Lady D van 't Roosakker by Echo van 't Spieveld), owned by Carin Schotanus and Hendrik Blink of the Rising Stud, received approval. As a grandson of the influential Grand Prix mare Electra van 't Roosakker, he comes from a prominent lineage. Rising Aranix stood out in the performance test with his good attitude, impulsion, leg technique in jumping, and athletic ability. Another Aganix du Seigneur son to receive approval this spring is Rock Kattenheye VDL (out of Athena van de Donkhoeve by Mr.Blue, breeders Tony and Mieke Raman), owned by VDL Stud. He is Belgian-bred but comes from a Dutch motherline. This lightly-footed galloping stallion jumps with good reflexes, body usage, and athletic ability.

Natural talent
A particularly outstanding talent is Ruzgar VII S (Chacfly out of Julia Caesar III by Zambesi), bred by Levent Dutkun and Stal Bles. This light chestnut stallion stands out not only for his color but also for his natural talent. He rides very well, gallops lightly, and jumps with remarkably good body usage. Premium stallion Raikkonen VDL (Landino VDL out of K.Amelusiena elite IBOP-spr D-OC by Zirocco Blue VDL, breeders Roelof Klinkhamer and Erica Lukas) is one of the two newly approved stallions from the proven Melusiena lineage of Stal Roelofs. He is a light-footed stallion who consistently jumps quickly with his body upward, shows good leg technique, and demonstrates a lot of athletic ability and overview. From this Dutch lineage, Connie Viscaal's Resoluut S.A. (Pegase van 't Ruytershof out of the internationally 1.40m ranked Heihaiwej S.A. ster sport-spr PROK by Emerald van 't Ruytershof, breeder Stal Archem) was also approved. In the performance test, he stood out with his good body usage and jump execution. He is one of the two stallions in this test sold through the KWPN Select Sale. Similarly, Romantico (Grandorado TN out of Madame Cornet RM by Cornet Obolensky, breeders René Mulder), owned by M. Geerts and Van Olst Horses, demonstrated good talent after being sold through this auction. This easy-to-ride stallion jumps well with his body upward, is careful, and has a good attitude.

Sporting genes
The ninth three-year-old jumping stallion is Royal Flush LF (Zambesi out of the internationally 1.50m jumping Davita de L'Impermeable by Nabab de Rêve, breeder Ana Preost), owned by Koen van de Beeten and Boy Peels. His ability, gallop with good balance, and attitude stood out in the performance test. Breeder Wijnand van Stam had his four-year-old Peter de Grote W (Kazan Z out of Digicini elite IBOP-spr sport-spr PROK by Indorado) approved. The stallion is a grandson of the internationally performed sport mare Gicini (s.Renville), also bred by Van Stam, who competed up to 1.55m level with Gerfried Puck. Thus, Peter de Grote W is closely related to top jumping horses like H5 Turbo Z, Kor II, and Asterix. This easy-to-ride, eager stallion convincingly impressed in the performance test. Another four-year-old, Pura Vida (Carambole out of Stakkonita Z by Stakkato), bred by Arie Hoogendoorn and Jan Greve, was also registered. He is a full brother of the Grand Prix winner Quantum Robin V, with whom Matt Garrigan triumphed in Prague and who now performs commendably with Max Kühner. He made a positive impression with his commitment, impulsion, and athletic ability.

Consistently convincing
Two seven-year-old stallions earned an invitation to the 21-day test through the stallion competition and both made a strong impression. The Aganix du Seigneur son A Moonlight Speciale (out of Double-Speciale ster PROK by Chacco-Blue), bred by Jack Verstappen and co-registered with Stal Hendrix, is a grandson of the World Cup finalist Vink Especiale ridden by Eric van der Vleuten. As the jumps get higher, this stallion clearly jumps better, and he also takes combination jumps with remarkable ease and athleticism. Similarly, the Dominator Z son Don Tarpania Z (out of Iralinde Tarpania ster pref sport-spr PROK by Glasgow van 't Merelsnest), bred by Ab de Lange and co-registered with Stal de Weaver, impressed all around. He is comfortable to ride and jumps with excellent leg technique and athleticism.

Dressage stallions
In the dressage direction, world champion Glamourdale had two talented sons approved in one go. Premium stallion Rayano (out of Kalista elite IBOP-dress D-OC by Cum Laude, breeder Herwig Verthriest), from MH Sporthorses, and Ridgedale (out of Zakiyah elite sport-dress PROK by Jazz, breeder D.M.L. Stoop-Collombon), from Van Olst Horses. KWPN Select Sale best-seller Rayano comes from a Dutch sport lineage and a well-tested mother (IBOP 82.5). He excels with his positive character traits, focus on the rider, and good leg technique in movement. Ridgedale, also descended from Glamourdale, also made a good impression with his rideability. His canter shows a lot of balance, and he maintains a good posture within it. In total, Gertjan and Anne van Olst had six dressage stallions approved. Besides Ridgedale, there is also the six-year-old Everest (Especial out of Fresia star PROK by Negro) from their own breeding. Last year, this stallion won the Pavo Cup, and from now on, he can cover under the KWPN flag. "This stallion has a lot of 'go', is very easy to work with, and can switch well in movement," Bart Bax explained. Everest, as a half-brother of the Intermediaire II horse Jardin (s.Everdale), is genetically interesting. He is thus closely related to, for example, the Olympic Grand Prix horse Elegance (s.Negro).

Good basic gaits
Van Olst also scored with the Kjento son Renzo (out of Aronia elite IBOP-dress pref prest PROK by Rousseau, breeder C.M.E. Reijrink) and the voluntarily participating Dynamic Dream son Real Dream (out of Fivanny star PROK by Negro, breeders Maatschap Pleyter and Herman van Triest). Renzo has three good basic gaits, including a strong canter with a lot of impulsion and posture. He also showed a good attitude. The also three-year-old Real Dream is a grandson of the well-known UTV champion Dolly and thus comes from a strong lineage. This actively moving stallion proves to be a worthy representative of this lineage and impressed with his scope, use of body, and leg technique. A consistent performance earned Rock and Roll (Bordeaux out of Jade-Sarina star IBOP-dress PROK by Wynton, breeder G.B.J. Lansink) from Stal Rom Vermunt approval. He is easy to work with and stands out with his balance and self-carriage. The also three-year-old Ibiza son Roderico (out of J'Adore elite IBOP-dress sport-dress PROK by Apache, breeder M. van Grinsven and co-registered Peter Wetzelaer, Piet Kuijpers, and Leonie Bos) caught attention with his uphill movement and use of body. The consistently performing Rocky Norel (Kaygo out of Kiekiezelma star by Expression, breeder J.G. Smits) from Martin and André van Norel also showed good natural talent. He combines good self-carriage with a good work ethic and three fine basic gaits.

The previously crowned premium stallion Pride (Secret out of Idol elite IBOP-dress pref D-OC by Apache, breeder Eef ten Bosch), who was acquired via the KWPN Select Sale by his current registrant H.G. Lang from Frankfurt, lived up to high expectations. This stallion, bred from the full sister of world champion Jovian, stands out with his willingness to work, good rideability, and connection. Additionally, he demonstrates three good gaits. The four-year-old Power Dutch (Glock’s Toto Jr. out of Miss Dutch Utopia elite IBOP-dress sport-dress D-OC by Double Dutch), from breeder Stal Hexagon, also made a strong impression. As the son of a Small Tour mare and grandson of Grand Prix mare Vinegra Utopia, his talent is deeply rooted in his pedigree. Moreover, his mother is a half-sister of the Grand Prix stallion Hexagon’s Ich Weiss (s.Rubiquil). Power Dutch has shown himself to be a very willing stallion, with a lot of impulsion and good workability. The voluntarily participating four-year-old stallion Lamborghini U.S. (Lord Europe out of Sondra by Sir Donnerhall I), from breeder Paul Schockemöhle and co-registered Joop van Uytert, also received approval. This elegant half-brother of the Grand Prix stallion Total U.S. (s.Totilas) moves with a lot of expression, has a strong desire to work, and can easily transition between movements.

Gelder horse stallions
The three-year-old Raffael K (Alexandro P out of Madora star by Heliotroop), from breeders G. and G.H. Kamphorst and co-registered J. van Veluw and K.J.L. de Groot, was the only participating Gelder horse stallion and received praise from the stallion inspection committee. "This stallion has performed all evaluations adequately. He is a likable stallion who fits well in the Gelder horse type and showed a good performance. He is cheerful, attentive, and shows a lot of willingness to work and move actively, with good power and strong use of the hind legs in trot," said committee chairman Marloes van der Velden. Raffael K received a 9 for his walk alongside 8.5s for five other aspects. The previously approved Olaf Official (Henkie out of Diamant star by Sirius, breeder G.J.W. Roerinkholder), from Daniel Mosterdijk, and Obrian (Vigaro out of Hacomijn star pref PROK by W V Saron), from breeder H. ter Horst, came to Ermelo twice for their driving performance during this performance test. Both stallions did well and are thus definitively approved, with Olaf Official receiving three nines in this component. The three-year-old Raffael K will participate in this additional performance test at a later date.

Text: Jenneke Smit
Image: Jacob Melissen

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The KWPN (Studbook of the Royal Dutch Sport Horse) is a Netherlands-based organization specializing in the breeding of jumpers, dressage horses, harness horses, and Gelder horses.

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