
The KWPN Online Foal Auctions are ready to begin again. Bringing buyers and sellers together is what it's all about, and the international network of KWPN is perfectly suited for this. Thousands of foals have already found new owners through these auctions and these foals have been successful in both sport and breeding. The ease with which KWPN breeders can offer their foals for sale is unique in the world of online auctions.

"I already thought he was a very special foal at the time, and it turns out I was right. He has exceeded my expectations," says Lauw van Vliet. He bought Royal Shutterfly three years ago through the KWPN Online Foal Auction. In early April, Royal Shutterfly won the Geert Meursing Trophy at the VWF Prinsenstad free jumping championship. "He jumped fantastically. With a three-year-old, you always have to see how he reacts to the environment, but this turned out well."

Many advantages
According to Lauw van Vliet, the KWPN auctions have many advantages for buying a foal: "You can buy foals at any auction, but at KWPN, breeders can participate without pre-selection." There is no pre-selection based on movement or pedigree, but all the foals are inspected by a KWPN inspector. "All foals offered at the KWPN foal auctions meet the exterior standards," explains KWPN inspector Luuk Smetsers. "Additionally, a veterinarian examines each foal. We only want to offer healthy and correct foals to our network." This network is extensive and is utilized for all types of auctions, from the KWPN Online Foal Auctions to the KWPN Select Sale.

Presentation is well organized
"I find it super interesting to follow all the KWPN foal auctions. KWPN offers interestingly bred horses. The mare and foal always look good. Good presentation is essential, and KWPN does this well," explains Kees Versluis. Luuk Smetsers adds: "It's nice that sellers experience it this way because we at KWPN find this very important. And it's true, many interesting foals are offered. Not every breeder has the opportunity to take the mare and foal to selection days and/or auctions. The KWPN Online Foal Auctions are a very good solution for this."

Not planning to buy
In addition to Lauw van Vliet, Luc van Horen also found success with his purchase from the KWPN Online Foal Auction. Luc van Horen bought Rambo B (s. O'Neil van 't Eigenloo), the champion of the JL-Agro free jumping competition in Panningen, in 2021. Van Horen hadn't planned to buy a foal. "My girlfriend had seen Rambo B online and was attracted to his high white legs and blaze. The first bid was immediately successful. 'Let's see how it goes,' I thought. His sire was a widely used stallion in Belgium," Van Horen explains his purchase. O'Neil van 't Eigenloo is currently successfully competing under the name Minute Man with Willem Greve. "For now, we want to keep Rambo B. We want to work with him ourselves and ride him. We'll see how it goes. We are extremely satisfied with our purchase and would do it again."

Registration for the KWPN Online Foal Auctions this summer is now open. Seven auctions are scheduled, with the first photo and video day taking place on Saturday, June 29, in Ermelo. Register your foal now for the KWPN Online Foal Auction. For questions, you can contact Mairin van der Tol at or 0341-255 511 or 06-82097369.

This is part of an article from the latest issue of KWPN Magazine. Want to read more? Members receive the KWPN Magazine, with beautiful stories, interesting background articles, personal interviews, and breeding information, delivered to their homes monthly. Not a member? Then order the KWPN Magazine from the KWPN Webshop.

Text: Judith Martens
Image: Dirk Caremans

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