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Registered party
Ability tests
Date and inpection type | Location | ||
1/6/2018, Eerste bezichtiging tuigpaardhengsten |
Ermelo | ||
1/3/2015, 1ste bez Tuigpaardhengsten |
Ermelo | ||
Performance damline
as EEBERT (v.ATLEET ) LK+221
Dam's dam
as TALOS (v.MANNO ) LK+48
Dam of dam's dam]>
Horse nameFALDINE
PerformanceLADINE (v.GOYA ) DR NED M1
Genetic profile
This horse does not yet have or has too little information from the sport, inspections or talent tests, nor does it have a DNA profile (genotype).
Therefore, no reliable breeding values can be estimated yet. The horse will first have to participate in the above events, or have a DNA profile drawn up.
Are you the registered person of this horse and do you want more information about inspections or ability tests? Read here more about inspections and here about aptitude tests.
Are you the registered owner of this horse and would you like to have a DNA profile made? Then read more here.
The breeding values are estimated using available information from the sport and inspections.
The breeding values are presented in relation to the harness horse breeding direction.
The breeding values are estimated using available information from the sport and inspections.
The breeding values are presented in relation to the harness horse breeding direction.
To explain the terminology used in this overview, please refer to this legend
Reliability | *** | ** | * | Average | * | ** | *** | ||||||
Genetic profile | |||||||||||||
Harnes sport | 56% | Low | 161 | High | |||||||||
Conformation | 49% | Low | 113 | High | |||||||||
Movement | 49% | Low | 110 | High | |||||||||
Overall impression | 49% | Low | 111 | High | |||||||||
Height | 49% | small | 98 | large | |||||||||
Detailed conformation traits 49% | |||||||||||||
Body: Shape | rectangular | 98 | square | ||||||||||
Body direction | uphill | 95 | downhill | ||||||||||
Head-neck connection | light | 94 | heavy | ||||||||||
Length of neck | long | 95 | short | ||||||||||
Position of neck | vertical | 81 | horizontal | ||||||||||
Muscling of neck | heavy | 95 | poor | ||||||||||
Height of withers | High | 96 | flat | ||||||||||
Position of shoulder | sloping | 88 | straight | ||||||||||
Line of back | roaching | 89 | weak | ||||||||||
Line of lions | roaching | 100 | weak | ||||||||||
Shape of croup | sloping | 107 | flat | ||||||||||
Length of croupe | long | 104 | short | ||||||||||
Front leg stance | over at knee | 94 | Back at knee | ||||||||||
Stance of hind legs | sickle | 102 | straight | ||||||||||
Stance of pastern | weak | 88 | straight | ||||||||||
Shape of feet | wide | 104 | narrow | ||||||||||
Heels | High | 95 | Low | ||||||||||
Quality of legs | lean | 89 | filled | ||||||||||
Detailed free-movement traits 49% | |||||||||||||
Walk: length of stride | long | 94 | short | ||||||||||
Walk: correctness | toed in | 102 | toed out | ||||||||||
Trot: carriage | much | 89 | little | ||||||||||
Trot: suspension | long | 92 | short | ||||||||||
Trot: front leg action | High | 88 | Low | ||||||||||
Trot: hind leg use | powerful | 91 | weak | ||||||||||
Term | Description |
Dressage | Genetic predisposition for dressage, expressed in relation to the KWPN population. |
Jumping | Genetic predisposition for show jumping, expressed in relation to the KWPN population. |
Driving | Genetic predisposition for driving, expressed in relation to the KWPN population. |
Conformation | Genetic predisposition for exterior, expressed in relation to the KWPN population. |
Free movement | Genetic predisposition for free movement, expressed in relation to the KWPN population. |
Free jumping | Genetic predisposition for free jumping, expressed in relation to the KWPN population. |
OC Health (GBV) |
Genetic predisposition for osteochondrosis expressed in relation to the KWPN population. |
More information about genetic predisposition / breeding value
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Approved offspring
No approved offspring
Performance test report
Conformation:Hubert VDM is a sufficiently developed stallion that is sufficiently rectangular with a slightly downward body direction. The head is expressive. The neck is more than sufficient in length with a light head-neck connection. The neck has a good shape, more than sufficient length, good muscling and is well positioned. The stallion is something ewe-necked. The withers are sufficiently developed and of sufficient length. The shoulder has more than sufficient length and a good position. The back is good in length and moderately to sufficiently muscled. The loins are more than sufficiently muscled and well connected. The croup is straight, of sufficient length and has good muscling. The hamstring has good length. The foreleg should have more length, is slightly toed-out when viewed from the front and correctly seen from the side, but slightly under the body. The hind leg is correctly positioned. The pasterns are good in length and well made. The hooves are well developed and of good quality with well-developed heels. The foundation is well developed and hard.
After Globetrotter, Hiro T - both exported to America - and Hertog Jan, Hubert VDM is the fourth approved son of the Waldemar son-Cizandro. Cizandro has won the Oregon Trophy three times and the Manno Trophy twice and seems to make a mark in breeding. Hubert VDM himself has been successful in sports for a number of seasons: he was the four- and five-year-old champion of his age group and he won the national competition as a four-year-old. Hubert's dam Veldine (by Manno) is also the mother of the approved Athlete son Eebert, who won three times the Oregon Trophy, one time the Manno Trophy, several Championships of his age, and became champion of the breeding stallions last year. The KWPN stallion Talos is a full brother of dam Veldine, who was a number of times at the National Mare Inspection and was reserve champion as a two-year old. She finished the IBOP with 80 points. Zeldine and Uldine, full sisters of Veldine, were champions at the NTD as a three-year-old and champion of South Holland as a four-year-old respectively. Their dam Jeldine (by Wilhelm) got the high score of 96 points for her IBOP and the dam line includes the competition horse Dock (by Stoordboord) and Magistraat (by Harald), who was the winner of the Middle North competition at that time.
Performance report:
Hubert VDM is an honest and reliable stallion with much attitude. The stallion is very willing to work and is easy to ride. The walk is sufficiently spacious and amply powerful. For the show carriage, the stallion puts the neck on well and has plenty of body use. Hubert VDM has ample knee action and a lot of shoulder freedom. The hind leg is well bent and well placed underneath to body. Hubert VDM has a lot of suspension in the trot. The stallion has much enthusiasm and a lot of talent as a harness horse. He makes his rider feel good. The stallion developed positively during the performance test.
Stable behaviour:
Honest and reliable stallion, easy in handling and calm in the stable.
Veterinary report:
No particularities have been established.
Sperm test:
Expected fertilizing ability class: good.
Breeding / matching advice:
Hubert VDM can add attitude and enthusiasm to ride to the harness horse breeding. The mares must have size and format. Breeders should take into account the high kinship of the stallion.
Report of the mother:
Veldine is a normally developed, very harness-type built mare.
The head is appealing with much expression.
The neck has good shape and length.
The neck has good length and shape and is well positioned with good muscling.
The withers are very well developed but could be a bit longer.
The shoulder has good length and position.
The back is well formed and well-muscled.
The loins are well formed and well connected.
The croup should be a little longer. There is a somewhat high tail implantation.
The foreleg should be longer and is back at the knee.
The hind leg is well adjusted.
The pastern position is good.
The hooves are normally developed, the heels could be a bit higher.
The foundation is well developed and of great quality.
The walk is powerful and spacious.
The mare raises a lot in the trot, a good use of the foreleg and a very strong use of the hindleg
with a lot of bend and strength.
Veldine achieved the following numbers at the studbook inspection in 2005:
Conformation: 81, Movement: 75, General Impression: 78.
Veldine achieved the following figures during the IBOP in 2006:
Posture-8.5 (x2) Moment of suspension-7 (x2) Action foreleg-8 (x2) Use hindleg-8.5 (x2) Willinges to walk-8
Overall picture as harness horse-8 Total-80 points
In the harness horse sport, Veldine is classified as: LK + 4 (singles).
Height of withers: 1.63 m
Colour: black
Age: 10 (report prepared in 2012)
This report contains the data and knowledge at the time of approving (spring 2018). Some of the information in this report may change later due to new knowledge or information.
Performance test scores
Breeding registration
Offspring report
SummaryHubert VDM has shown a uniform collection of sufficiently harness-type foals, that should be developed better and stand in the rectangular model sufficiently to more than sufficiently. The foals should have more muscled bodies. The foals have more than sufficient appearance.
The use of the foreleg in trot should have more shoulder freedom and more knee action.
The hindleg is sufficiently bent, but should develop more power and be brought under the body better. The foals carry their neck sufficiently to more that sufficiently, come back in the front more than suffienetly and should have more uphill tendancy.
Some of the foals had trouble with their balance and rhytm. The foals showed more than sufficient suspension and sufficient balance.
Full report
Hubert VDM has shown a uniform collection of sufficiently harness-type foals, that should be developed better and stand in the rectangular model sufficiently to more than sufficiently. The foals should have more muscled bodies. The foals have more than sufficient appearance.
The head has appearance and is shaped well.
The poll is well-shaped and of good length.
The neck is well-shaped and of good length, and is in most cases well placed on the body.
The withers are more than sufficiently developed.
The shoulder is sufficient of length and position.
The back and loins are poorly muscled and should be better connected.
The croup should have more length and is varying in position.
The hamstring should have more length.
The foundation is lean of quality, but should be better developed.
The foreleg is correct and varies in length.
The pasterns are correct and of good length.
The hindleg is in most cases long and in some cases sickle-hocked.
The hooves are of good shape and quality.
The walk is poor in length of stride and should show more power.
The use of the foreleg in trot should have more shoulder freedom and more knee action.
The hindleg is sufficiently bent, but should develop more power and be brought under the body better. The foals carry their neck sufficiently to more that sufficiently, come back in the front more than suffienetly and should have more uphill tendancy.
Some of the foals had trouble with their balance and rhytm. The foals showed more than sufficient suspension and sufficient balance.
The foal that was inspected at home is derogates positively from this report.
Breeding advice
The foals by Hubert VDM stand out positively with their appealing front and quality in their foundation. The mares that are paired to Hubert VDM should have size, a good topline and a powerful use of the hindleg.
Number of mares covered in 2018: 9
Number of foals shown in 2019: 6
Number of mares covered in 2019: 7
Number of foals shown in 2020: 4
10 foals appointed by KWPN
1 inspected at home
No foals were selected by the owner
The foals were presented on grass in 2019, in 2020 they were presented on a sand surface.
The quality of the dams was good.
Type | Stallion station | Telephone number | Website |
Semen for export | L. HUCKRIEDE | 053-4282638, 06-22928058 | - |
Frozen semen | L. HUCKRIEDE | 053-4282638, 06-22928058 | - |
Fresh semen | L. HUCKRIEDE | 053-4282638, 06-22928058 | - |
Website: |
This breeder has breeding products, of which we show the first 100. Please use filtering and sorting to find what you are looking for.
Gender | Name | Reg nr | Register | Color | Name Sire x Name Dam Sire |
This breeder owns horses, of which we show the first 100. Please use filtering and sorting to find what you are looking for.
Gender | Name | Reg nr | Register | Color | Name Sire x Name Dam Sire |
Performance mares
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Preferred mares
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Elite mares
Name | Reg nr | Register | Color | Name Sire x Name Dam Sire |
Sport mares
Name | Reg nr | Register | Color | Name Sire x Name Dam Sire |
Approved stallions
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Good performance mares
Name | Reg nr | Register | Color | Name Sire x Name Dam Sire |
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