Registered party
Performance damline
Dam's dam
Dam of dam's dam]>
Genetic profile
This horse does not yet have or has too little information from the sport, inspections or talent tests, nor does it have a DNA profile (genotype).
Therefore, no reliable breeding values can be estimated yet. The horse will first have to participate in the above events, or have a DNA profile drawn up.
Are you the registered person of this horse and do you want more information about inspections or ability tests? Read here more about inspections and here about aptitude tests.
Are you the registered owner of this horse and would you like to have a DNA profile made? Then read more here.
The breeding values are estimated using available information from the sport and inspections.
The breeding values are presented in relation to the harness horse breeding direction.
The breeding values are estimated using available information from the sport and inspections.
The breeding values are presented in relation to the harness horse breeding direction.
To explain the terminology used in this overview, please refer to this legend
Reliability | *** | ** | * | Average | * | ** | *** | ||||||
Genetic profile | |||||||||||||
Harnes sport | 53% | Low | 122 | High | |||||||||
Conformation | 56% | Low | 98 | High | |||||||||
Movement | 56% | Low | 98 | High | |||||||||
Overall impression | 56% | Low | 98 | High | |||||||||
Height | 56% | small | 93 | large | |||||||||
Detailed conformation traits 56% | |||||||||||||
Body: Shape | rectangular | 97 | square | ||||||||||
Body direction | uphill | 101 | downhill | ||||||||||
Head-neck connection | light | 98 | heavy | ||||||||||
Length of neck | long | 93 | short | ||||||||||
Position of neck | vertical | 102 | horizontal | ||||||||||
Muscling of neck | heavy | 108 | poor | ||||||||||
Height of withers | High | 103 | flat | ||||||||||
Position of shoulder | sloping | 94 | straight | ||||||||||
Line of back | roaching | 108 | weak | ||||||||||
Line of lions | roaching | 112 | weak | ||||||||||
Shape of croup | sloping | 92 | flat | ||||||||||
Length of croupe | long | 111 | short | ||||||||||
Front leg stance | over at knee | 101 | Back at knee | ||||||||||
Stance of hind legs | sickle | 105 | straight | ||||||||||
Stance of pastern | weak | 96 | straight | ||||||||||
Shape of feet | wide | 105 | narrow | ||||||||||
Heels | High | 100 | Low | ||||||||||
Quality of legs | lean | 97 | filled | ||||||||||
Detailed free-movement traits 56% | |||||||||||||
Walk: length of stride | long | 110 | short | ||||||||||
Walk: correctness | toed in | 93 | toed out | ||||||||||
Trot: carriage | much | 104 | little | ||||||||||
Trot: suspension | long | 110 | short | ||||||||||
Trot: front leg action | High | 93 | Low | ||||||||||
Trot: hind leg use | powerful | 103 | weak | ||||||||||
Term | Description |
Dressage | Genetic predisposition for dressage, expressed in relation to the KWPN population. |
Jumping | Genetic predisposition for show jumping, expressed in relation to the KWPN population. |
Driving | Genetic predisposition for driving, expressed in relation to the KWPN population. |
Conformation | Genetic predisposition for exterior, expressed in relation to the KWPN population. |
Free movement | Genetic predisposition for free movement, expressed in relation to the KWPN population. |
Free jumping | Genetic predisposition for free jumping, expressed in relation to the KWPN population. |
OC Health (GBV) |
Genetic predisposition for osteochondrosis expressed in relation to the KWPN population. |
More information about genetic predisposition / breeding value
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Would you like to know more?
Then order the book 'The KWPN horse' - selection to performance. This book takes the reader step by step through the complete score forms and covers all characteristics that can influence the sporting potential of the KWPN horse. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to know more about the usefulness and necessity of assessing our horses. The book costs € 19.95 for KWPN members (€ 24.50 for non-members).
Order this book now
Approved offspring
No approved offspring
Performance test report
Inspection Report Ermelo 2008 (02-04 until 02-05)
Morocco Field Marshall is an honest and reliable large size Hackney stallion. He shows a lot of willingness and is very trainable. The walk has good scope in harness, with elasticity. In trot, the stallion takes a while to get balanced, especially in the hindquarters, due to his enthusiasm. Once the stallion is balanced, he shows a lot of front and a royal front leg. The body carriage is good, the neck is used well. The front legs are placed far out with a lot of action. Once balanced, the hind leg is placed well under the mass and develops sufficient power, with more than sufficient suspension. Morocco Field Marshall is a stallion with a lot of willingness to work and perseverance. Daily training is very important for this temperamental stallion.
Stable Behavior
Morocco Field Marshall is an honest and reliable stallion. He is easy on the ground and quiet in his stall.
Veterinary Report
In his stable, the stallion wears a net around his genitals. This is necessary to avoid him causing an ejaculation on his hind leg and damaging himself.
Semen Inspection
Expected fertility class: good.
Breeding Recommendation
Morocco Field Marshall can improve harness horse breeding not only through blood diversification, but also with his royal front leg, hardness, and use of the front leg. He should preferably be used with mares that have a strong top line, strong use of the hind leg and good hooves.
Performance test scores
Breeding registration
Offspring report
Foals by Morocco Field Marshall have sufficient harness horse conformation but vary in development. Their movement is insufficient. Although the front legs usually show sufficient reach in the trot, their action is almost consistently moderate. Furthermore, the majority of foals trot with little power behind, does not bring their hind legs well under their bodies, and show little suspension. Finally, the foals show little body carriage.The stallion was expected to contribute fresh blood and pass on traits such as a well-developed forehand and typical harness horse front leg use. He has not met these expectations. Except for bringing in fresh blood, the stallion does not show that he can sufficiently benefit harness horse breeding, even though
he has been given ample opportunity to prove himself and has been bred to several highquality mares.
Availability unknown
Website: |
This breeder has breeding products, of which we show the first 100. Please use filtering and sorting to find what you are looking for.
Gender | Name | Reg nr | Register | Color | Name Sire x Name Dam Sire |
This breeder owns horses, of which we show the first 100. Please use filtering and sorting to find what you are looking for.
Gender | Name | Reg nr | Register | Color | Name Sire x Name Dam Sire |
Performance mares
Name | Reg nr | Register | Color | Name Sire x Name Dam Sire |
Preferred mares
Name | Reg nr | Register | Color | Name Sire x Name Dam Sire |
Elite mares
Name | Reg nr | Register | Color | Name Sire x Name Dam Sire |
Sport mares
Name | Reg nr | Register | Color | Name Sire x Name Dam Sire |
Approved stallions
Name | Reg nr | Register | Color | Name Sire x Name Dam Sire |
Good performance mares
Name | Reg nr | Register | Color | Name Sire x Name Dam Sire |
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